So if you are A Programmer and missing the Visual Studio or basically do not know about Visual studio that is also known as VS Code, then you are too at last or may be you are too backward because using the correct tools at right time is the best key to success. Visual Studio that is known as VS Code is used for coding as well making some program such that any Apps, Software as well the Games. So if you are a programmer or a person going to start the Programming then you must take care of all these things and should be familiar with these too. One who is using the other tools or let's say them a software for his coding practices is too backward or we can say that he is missing some best opportunities such he can use the best as well the most known tool to do the same work with too ease. This is another thing that one who is habitual of one product do not wish to swift over the other version of that product or the another product which is basically more powerful as well more useful...